Chemical Technology and Engineering Faculty established in1968, is one of the largest faculties of BSTU and holds leading positions in the educational and scientific fields of the university. Today the faculty trains engineering professionals in 11 bachelor programs and 11 Master’s Degree programs. The training is focused on such industries as chemical and petrochemical, pharmaceutical, mechanical engineering and construction materials industry.
The training of engineers at the faculty is focused on the XXI century, therefore, modern curricula and programs, information technologies and teaching methods are developed and applied for the educational process. Students are provided with the necessary educational and methodological literature, which is systematically updated and published at the university. A highly professional teaching staff has been formed at the faculty, and progressive teaching methods are used during the educational process. The educational process is diverse and includes the performance of atypical individual works and research tasks, laboratory practice, course and diploma design with elements of scientific research, work in student workshops, business trainings, etc. The faculty effectively operates a system of training engineering personnel due to close cooperation with leading industrial enterprises and organizations that are the main customers of personnel.
Today, scientists of the faculty conduct research on the most important and priority areas of science development: modern materials science (composites, nanomaterials, inorganic substances and products, construction and special purpose materials, coatings, etc.; process modeling, engineering, production design; information and additive technologies; automation, robotics and mechanotronics; design, installation and diagnostics of equipment and machines; theory and practice of scientific research; development of formulations and technological processes for obtaining materials; systems, devices and methods of quality control of objects; environmental planning, waste and water management.
All educational laboratories are equipped with modern instruments and measuring apparatuses in accordance with the direction of specialist training. Student scientific associations (student research laboratories and study groups) have been established and are functioning effectively at the departments of the faculty. Every year, the best students, undergraduates and postgraduates are awarded nominal scholarships, including scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus, as well as grants for scientific research. The best ones annually undergo training and scientific internships abroad. Over the past five years students have participated in 12 summer schools and training programs in Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, China and Ukraine. Today, a graduate of the Chemical Technology and Engineering Faculty is a versatile specialist with a high level of knowledge in the fields of technology, mechanics, computer modeling and design, in demand in almost all industries of the Republic of Belarus. All this guarantees successful employment at large and advanced enterprises of the republic and a decent future.
Student research laboratories “Chemistry and Technology of silicates”, “Ozone” and “Ecotechnology” are diploma holders of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of gifted pupils and students; winner of the International Environmental Olympiad – competition of CIS students (Russia, 2022); winner of the republican stage of the 10th International Environmental Olympiad of CIS Universities «Environmental Safety» (2020); Special League «ECO – CASE» finalist (4th place) of the international engineering championship «CASE-IN» (Russia, 2020); winner (3rd place) of the Open Student Olympiad on the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering «TOE-2017» (RB, 2017); winner of the open All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the discipline Technical Electrochemistry (Ukraine, 2015 and 2016).