Gomel State Polytechnic College
Gomel State Polytechnic College is a modern educational institution, which currently has everything necessary for the education and training of highly qualified specialists according to vocational secondary education programs. College has a modern material and technical base, including two academic buildings, production-and-training workshops, 34 classrooms, 12 educational laboratories, 6 computer labs, educational and computing center, 2 gyms, library, assembly hall, medical center, dormitory for 370 people. 44 out of 56 teachers have the highest and first qualification category. College graduates have the opportunity to receive higher education in a shortened form of study at the Belarusian State Technological University. Every year, more than 35% of college graduates continue their studies at BSTU. In order to guarantee the employment of young specialists, agreements were signed “On the interaction of educational institution and basic organization in training specialists, workers, employees” with such organizations as JSC “Gomeldrev”, JSC “Rechitsadrev”, JSC “Gomselmash”, JSC “Gomel Casting and Normals Plant”, JSC “Gazprom Transgaz Belarus”, Gomel State Forestry Production Association, and other business entities. The contracts were signed for the period of 5 years until 2025.