Polotsk State Forestry College
BSTU affiliation “Polotsk State Forestry College” is the oldest secondary specialized educational institution of the Republic of Belarus, providing fundamental training of forestry specialists. During its century-long history, about 20 thousand of highly qualified specialists with the qualification of “Forestry Technician” were trained at the college. Currently, full-time and part-time training is carried out, retraining of managers and specialists with non-specialized secondary special education is organized, and professional training of workers as “Forest feller”, “Forester” is also carried out. The college is a complex consisting of: academic building with 25 classrooms, 6 laboratories, assembly hall, gym and weight room, conference hall, library, buffet, 2 dormitories, woodworking workshop, workshop for the repair of electro-gasoline tools, production-andtraining workshops, experimental-and-training forestry. To study the profession, the educational institution has the most modern equipment, and the structural unit – Polotsk experimental-and-training forestry – is a unique base for practical training. Educational and research activities and international cooperation are actively developed. Interesting projects and educational initiatives are born here, discoveries are made and knowledge of many generations is stored.