Belarusian State
Technological University
Shyshkina Nadzeya


Shyshkina Nadzeya

Associate Professor of


Department of Editing and Publishing Technology

Contact details

 Sverdlova St. 13a, 117-4

Research interests:

Modern publishing and printing statistics.

Trends in the development of book publishing industry.

Book Distribution System: tradition and innovation.

Marketing communications in the field of promotion of publishing products.


Advertising and promotion of books.

Modern publishing and printing statistics.

Modelling and optimization of editorial and publishing activities.

List of publications: 

  • Shyshkina, N.  The use of statistical methods of analysis for the monitoring of the educational process / Меnеdzhмеnt i маrketing: opit i problem. — Мn.: ООО «Мedzhic», 2010. — pp. 151 — 155.
  • Shyshkina, N. The use of statistical methods of analysis for the monitoring of the educational process / Proceedings of BSTU. 2010. No. 9: Printing and Publishing. — pp. 63 — 66.
  • Shyshkina, N. Electronic database "Publishing environmental issues" as the source of the formation of industry information resources / Printing: technology, equipment. — Омsк : OMSU, 2010. — pp. 144 — 150.
  • Shyshkina, N. Development of a system of information support of environmental specialists Profile / Razvitie informayizacii i gosudarstvenoej sistemy nauchno-tehnicheskoej informazii. — Мn. 2010. — pp. 243 — 246.
  • Shyshkina, N. Book Belarusian market in the twenty-first century. — Мn, 2011. — pp. 109 — 115.
  • Shyshkina, N. Expert methods for assessing the quality of printed products / Printing: technology, equipment. — Омsк : OMSU, 2011. — pp. 53 — 61.
  • Shyshkina, N. The Book Market in Belarus: current state and prospects of development / Printing: technology, equipment. — Омsк : OMSU, 2011. — pp. 126 — 140.
  • Shyshkina, N. Monitoring the quality of the educational process / Mascherovskie chtenija. — Вitebsk, pp.  2012. — С. 55 — 56. 
  • Shyshkina, N. The publication of literature on environmental issues: the formation and development / Саарбрюкен: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
  • Shyshkina, N. Publishing Activity of the Republic of Belarus in the XXI century / Izvestia vyschih uchebnyh zavedenij. Problemy poligrafii i izdatelskogo dela. — № 4.  — М., 2013. — pp. 113 — 117.
  • Shyshkina, N. Comparative analysis of print and broadcast news content / Razvitie informayizacii i gosudarstvenoej sistemy nauchno-tehnicheskoej informazii. — Мn., 2013. — pp. 284 — 287.
  • Shyshkina, N. Associative analysis of the heraldic emblems of Eastern and Western Europe Izvestia vyschih uchebnyh zavedenij. Problemy poligrafii i izdatelskogo dela. № 1.  — М., 2014. — pp. 48 — 56.
  • Shyshkina, N.  Methods of promotion printed materials issued by the Organisation of the Republic of Belarus /  Vestnik Mogilevskogo gosudarstvenogo universiteta. — 2 (46). — Мn. — 2015. —   pp. 39 — 46.
  • Shyshkina, N. Advertising publishing products in periodicals XIX - early XX centuries / Skorinovskie chtenia  2015. — Мn : BSTU, 2015. — pp. 75—79. 
  • Shyshkina, N. Russian publishing on environmental issues in the XVIII - early XX century / Vestnik Mogilevskogo gosudarstvenogo universiteta.  — 2 (48)  — Мn. — 2015. — pp.86 — 91.
  • Shyshkina, N. Types of marketing communications / Izvestia vyschih uchebnyh zavedenij. Problemy poligrafii i izdatelskogo dela. — № 6.  — М.,  2015. — pp. 110 — 116.
  • Shyshkina, N.  Kupalovskaya tekstalogiya: Evolution of assembly works /  Rodnae slova. — 2016. — № 2.  — pp. 15 — 20. 
  • Shyshkina, N. The modern book distribution system in the Republic of Belarus / Skorinovskie chtenia  2015. — Мn : BSTU, 2015. — pp. 88—92.