Belarusian State
Technological University
Shmakov Mikhail


Shmakov Mikhail Sergeevich   

Head of the Department


Department of printing equipment and information processing systems

Contact details

 +375 29 508 92 18, 8 (017) 327 67 41

 Sverdlova St. 13a, 4a-4

Research interests:

automatic control systems, computer simulation systems and devices, optimal control of electromechanical systems.


Computers, computing systems and peripherals,

Metrology, standardization and quality control of printing processes,

Bases of scientific researches and innovative activity.

List of publications: 

  1. Shmakov M. S. Experience developing multimedia manual printing machine. Trudy BGTU   [Proceedings of  BSTU], 2014, no. 9: Printing and Publishing, pp. 118–122 (In Russian).
  2. Shmakov M. S. Kolosov K. N. Design of information training systems for training experts in the field of printing. Trudy BGTU   [Proceedings of  BSTU], 2012, no. 9: Printing and Publishing,  pp. 102-107 (In Russian).
  3. Shmakov  M. S., Ivanovich A. A., Chaichit N. I. Computer modeling emergency modes in electric networks and electrical equipment. Bulleten komandno-injenernogo  instituta Ministerstva po chrezvichainim situaciam Respubliki Belarus [Bulletin of the Command-engineering Institute of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus], 2010, no.2 (12),  pp. 34 – 38 (In Russian).
  4. Shmakov  M. S. Control stepper motors of the printing equipment. Trudy BGTU  [Proceedings of  BSTU], 2007, no. 9: Publishing and printing, pp. 42–44 (In Russian).
  5. Panasyuk  A. I., Shmakov M. S. Optimal control of asynchronous electric motor with varying frequency. Electric machines and power systems, 1996, volume 24, no.  4, pp. 451–465. USA.
  6. Panasyuk A. I., Shmakov M. S. The method of reachable sets in optimal control problems of the manipulators. Tehnicheskya Cibernetika [Technical Cybernetics], 1991, no. 2, pp. 61–66 (In Russian).
  7. Panasyuk A. I., Shmakov M. S. Synthesis of optimal control systems using equation of reachable sets. Priborostroenie  [Instrumentation], 1986, no. 11, pp.17–21 (In Russian).

Research funding as well as leadership and supervision

Supervised about 10 master theses at Belarusian state technological University.