Belarusian State
Technological University
Pyzhkova Olga

Pyzhkova Olga

Head of the department, PhD in Physico-mathematical sciences, Associate Professor


Department of Higher Mathematics

Contact details

 (8-017) 327-10-20

 Sverdlova St. 13a, 205-4

Research interests:

generalized functions, mnemofunction, multiplication of distributions, asymptotic expansion, Hopf equation, weak asymptotic solution, infinitely narrow solution, shock wave.


Higher Mathematics. Equations of mathematical physics.

List of publications: 

  • Antonevich A.B. Asymptotic solutions of infinitely narrow soliton for Hopf's equation / A.B. Antonevich, O.N. Pyzhkova // [Matematichnі.metodi that fiziko-mehanіchnі field], Lviv, 1999 - vol.42, no.4, pp.13-20.
  • Antonevich A.B. The asymptotic expansions for the basic products of generalized functions / A.B. Antonevich, O.N. Pyzhkova, L.G. Tretyakov // Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics. BNAS. Minsk, 2000 - vol.5,  pp.18-31.
  • Antonevich A.B. On high order asymptotic solutions of the Hopf's equation./ A.B. Antonevich, O.N. Pyzhkova // Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 2000 - vol.3, no.4. pp.353-361.
  • Pyzhkova O.N. Asymptotic solutions of the simplest hyperbolic equation / O.N. Pyzhkova // [Trudy BGTU], 2003, Ser. VI: Physical-mathematical sciences, pp. 11-15 (In Russian).
  • Zvyarovіch L.F. Higher Mathematics in questions, problems and exercises. Functions of several variables. Differential equations. / L.F. Zvyarovіch, R.M. Konchyts, O.N. Pyzhkova, І.F.Salauyova, N.A. Rysyuk.- Mіnsk: BSTU, 2004, 68 p.
  • Zvyarovіch L.F.Higher Mathematics in questions, problems and exercises. Numerical and degree rows. Multiple and curvilinear integrals / L.F. Zvyarovіch, R.M. Konchyts, O.N. Pyzhkova, І.F. Salauyova, N.A. Rysyuk.- Mіnsk: BSTU, 2005, 74 p.
  • Zvyarovіch L.F. Higher Mathematics in questions, problems and exercises. Linear algebra / L.F. Zvyarovіch, O.N. Pyzhkova, N.A. Rysyuk.- Mіnsk: BSTU, 2006, 76 p.
  • Ignatenko V.V. Higher Mathematics. Mathematical methods and models in computer calculations. Laboratory workshop / V.V. Ignatenko, O.N. Pyzhkova, L.D. Yarotskaya // Minsk: Belarusian State Technological University, 2006.
  • Marchenko V.M., Pyzhkova O.N. Relative reachability of linear systems controlled by discrete regulator // [Trudy BGTU], 2012, Ser. VI (153): Physical-mathematical sciences, pp. 11-13 (In Russian).
  • Marchenko V.M., Borkovskaya I.M., Pyzhkova O.N.. The level personality-oriented technology of the educational process, Intern. Scientific Journal: Spectral and Evolution problems: Proc. of the Twenty Second Crimean Autumn Mathematical School-Symposium. Simferopol: Taurida National Vernadsky University, Black Sea Branch of Moscow State University, Crimean Scientific Center of Ukrainian NAS, Crimean Academy of Science, Crimean Mathematical Foundation, 2012, vol.22, pp. 129-139.
  • Marchenko, V.M. The equations of mathematical physics: a teaching manual for students in specialty 1-53 01 01 "Automation of technological processes and production" /V.M. Marchenko, O.N. Pyzhkova - Minsk, BSTU, 2013. - 160 p.
  • Marchenko V.M. State-space method in the discrete-continuous and differential-difference systems /V.M Marchenko, O.N. Pyzhkova // [Trudy BGTU], 2014, Ser. VI (170): Physical-mathematical sciences, pp. 3-6 (In Russian). 
  • Marchenko V.M., Borkovskaya I.M., Pyzhkova O.N.. Hybrid control discrete-continuous 2-D systems / 4th Podlasie Conference on Mathematics 9-11 April 2010, Bialystok, Poland. P.48
  • Marchenko V.M. Stability of hybrid dynamic systems with multidimensional time / V.M. Marchenko, I.M. Borkovskaya, O.N. Pyzhkova // [Trudy BGTU], 2016, Ser. VI (188): Physical-mathematical sciences and informatics, pp. 5-9 (In Russian).