Belarusian State
Technological University
Martinkevich Alexander Alexandrovich


Martinkevich Alexander Alexandrovich

Assistant Professor, PhD in Chemical sciences



of Polymer Сomposite Materials


Contact details

 +375 29 627 69 30, 8 (017) 327 65 62

Sverdlova St. 13a, 210-2

Research interests:

Synthesis and Study of the properties of polymer films and coating fibril; Development of formulations and technology of painting materials with improved and new properties.


Theoretical foundations of technology film-forming substance.

Equipment and foundations design paint industries.

Pigments for modern painting materials.

Pigmentation of painting materials.

List of publications

  • E.T.Krutko, N.R.Prokopchuk, A.A.Martsinkevich, D.A.Drozdova. Polyimides. Synthesis, Characteristics, Application. –Mn.: BSTU, -- 2002. –306 с.
  • Martsinkevich A., Prokopchuk N., Krut’ko E. The influence of the structure of the dianhydride fragment on intermolecular interactions in linear polyimides and their properties // Polymer Degradation and Stability. –1999.  –66.–P.1-4.
  • Martsinkevich A., Krut’ko E., Prokopchuk N. Correlation of intermolecular interaction energy and properties of cross-linked polybiphenyloxidpyromellitimide // Polymer Degradation and Stability–1999.  –64. –P.55-58.
  • E.T.Krut’ko, M.V. Zhuravleva, A.A.Martsinkevich, N.R.Prokopchuk. PolyimideUse in Photolithography Process // Proceedings of BSTU, 2016, № 4, p.59-66.