Belarusian State
Technological University
Makaranka Iryna


Makaranka Iryna

Senior lecturer


Statistics, accounting, analysis and auditing

Contact details

 8 (017) 226 00 28

 Sverdlova St. 13a, 411-4

Research interests:

Depreciation policy and financial stability of the organization, management of expenses and taxes.


Has read and lecture courses, issued the corresponding manuals on disciplines "Theory of economic analysis", "Analysis of economic activity ", " Features of the analysis of economic activity in other sectors", "Аccounting (financial) statements". Manages course and diploma design.

List of publications: 

  1. Makarenko I.V. Rapid diagnosis of the financial condition of forestry institutions / Forestry and hunting. 2005. No2. рp. 12-14.
  2. Makarenko I.V. Classification costs for management decisions / Chief Economist. - 2009. No 3. рp. 8-16.
  3. Makarenko I.V. Economic aspects of formation of the amortization policy of the enterprise / Naukova Visnyk. Reigning Odesky ekonomichny universitet. - Science: ekonomika, politologiya, istoriya. 2009. No 1 (79), pp. 58-70.
  4. Makarenko I.V. Methods of cost management in the examples. AB is costing. / Head economist. - 2010. No 3. рp. 9-13.
  5. Makarenko I.V. Methods of cost management in the examples. Standard costing. / Head economist. - 2010. No 2. рp. 12-15.
  6. Makarenko I.V. How to allocate indirect costs? / Chief Economist. 2010. No 1. рp.12-20.
  7. Makarenko I.V. Justification algorithm analysis of the financial stability of the organization according to the stages of the production process // Electronic scientific periodical "System Management". 2013. Issue 4 (22) 2013. htpp: sisupr.mrsu / 2013- 4 / Index.htm / PDF / vojtik_v_vstatya. pdf - Saransk.
  8. Makarenko I.V., Gorobetc PD Tax analysis: the essence, the information field and the algorithm of the scientific works of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 16 (2014), in 2 parts. Part 1. Economy - Minsk: Acad. Ex. the President of Rep. Belarus, 2014. - рp.326-332.
  9. Makarenko I.V. Current research trends of the XXI century: Theory and Practice: Proceedings of the Materials International correspondence scientific-practical conference. No5 Part 3 (10-3) - Voronezh: VGLTA, 2014. - рp. 393-396.
  10. Makarenko I.V., Gorobetc PD system Formation of financial stability indicators for assessing Proceedings of Academy of Public Administration. - Vol. 17 (2015). - Minsk: Acad. Mgmt. When the President of the Rep. Belarus, 2015. - рp. 259-266.
  11. Makarenko I.V. Justification of the choice of quantitative indicators of depreciation strategies Labour Organization BSTU. Science Magazine. Economics and Management. - 2015. - No7. - рp. 269-272.
  12. Makarenko I.V. Formation of a system of indicators for ecological and economic analysis of the organization of environmental safety management system: Proceedings IX International correspondence scientific-practical conference (Ekaterinburg, May 30-31, 2015.). - Yekaterinburg: Ural Federal University, 2015. рp. 9-14.
  13. Makarenko I.V. Formation of economic and environmental strategy of the organization of environmental safety management system: collection of works part-time X International scientific-practical conference (Ekaterinburg, May 30-31, 2016.). - Yekaterinburg: Ural Federal University, 2016. рp. 17 ‑. 22.