Belarusian State
Technological University
Levitskii Ivan

Levitskii Ivan

Professor,  Doctor of Technical Sciences


Department of Glass and Ceramics Technology

Contact details

 +375 29 369 33 63, 8 (017) 327 43 08,

 Sverdlova St. 13a, 314-2

Research interests:

Theoretical basics and production technology of ceramic materials of building and household purposes.

Glassy coatings with given physico-chemical properties.

Study of mineral sources of raw materials with the aim to use it for silicate materials production.



Mineralogy and petrography;

Heat engineering equipment of ceramics and refractories enterprises;

Technology of fine and technical ceramics (Part 1 "Fine ceramics");

Educational research work of students;

Diploma projection;

Training undergraduates and postgraduates.

List of publications: 

  • Levitskii, I. A. Opacification of Glazes for Household Majolica / I. A. Levitskii, S. E. Barantseva, A. I. Poznyak, E. O. Bogdan // Glass and Ceramics. – 2016. – Vol. 73 № (5-6). – P. 222–226.
  • Shimanskaya, A.N. Formation Particularities of Titanium-Containing Glaze Coatings for Floor Tiles / A.N. Shimanskaya, I.A. Levitskii // Glass and Ceramics. –  2016. – Vol. 73, № 3. – Р. 94–99.
  • Levitskii, I.A. Glass-ceramic cement for vacuum-tight joint / I.A. Levitskii, L.F. Papko, M.V. Dyadenko // Works BSTU. Ser. III, Chemistry and technology of the inorganic substances, 2015, no.3 (176), pp. 3–8.
  • Levitskii, I. A. Transparent glazes for high-voltage / I. A. Levitskii, A. I. Poznyak, A. A. Nadudik // Glass and Ceramics. – 2015. – P. 1–5.
  • Levitskii  I. A. Poznyak A.I. Thermophysical Characteristics of Furnace Tiles Obtained Using Galvanic Production Wastes // Glass and Ceramics. –  2015. – Vol. 72, № 3. – Р. 130–134.
  • Poznyak, A. I. The role of liquid phase on microstructure development and mechanical properties in ceramic tiles for interior wall facing / A. I. Poznyak, I. A. Levitskii, S. E. Barantseva // Ceramic Transactions: Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites VII. – 2015. – Volume 252. – P. 393–401.
  • Levitskii, I. A. Researches in the Field of Producing Ceramic Tiles of Lower Material Capacity for Interior Wall Facing / I. A. Levitskii, S.E. Baranceva, A.I. Poznyak // Engineering, Structures and Technologies. – 2013. – №5(1). – P. 1–10.
  • Levitskii, I.A. Rheological properties of borosilicate glasses and melts / I.A. Levitskii, L.F. Papko, M.V. Dyadenko // Glass and Ceramics, 2013, Vol.70,  № 5–6, pp. 208–212.
  • Levitskii, I. A. Effects of the Basaltic Tuff Additions on the Properties, Structure and Phase Composition of the Ceramic Tiles for Interior Wall Facing / Procedia Engineering. – 2013. – Vol. 57. – P. 707 – 713.
  • Papko, L.F. High-index glass for the products of ophthalmologic optics / L.F. Papko, I.A. Levitskii, M.V. Dyadenko // Proceedings BSTU. Ser. III, Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances, 2013, no.3, pp. 89–92.
  • Poznyak, A.I. Production of interior facing tiles using local raw materials / A.I. Poznyak, I.A. Levitskii, S.E. Barantseva // Glass and Ceramics – 2012. – Vol. 69, № 3-4. – P. 77-80.
  • Levitskii, I.A. BaO-La2O3-B2O3-TiO2-SiO2 glass production / I.A. Levitskii, M.V. Dyadenko, L.F. Papko // Glass and Ceramics – 2012. – Vol. 68, № 9-10. – P. 315–318.