Belarusian State
Technological University
Kurilo Irina


Irina Kurilo

Head of Department


of Physical, Colloid and Analytical Chemistry


 8 (017) 327 72 50

Sverdlova St. 13а, room 449-4

Research interests:

Development of new “green”electrochemical plating electrolytes and study of electrochemical deposition of metals/alloysunder non-stationary conditions and/or ultrasonic field; development of chemical andelectrochemical processing methods of Vanadium containing industrial wastes; synthesis andinvestigation of novel environmentally friendly vanadate-based pigments and inhibitors foranticorrosion protection of Al alloys and steel. Research activities in these directions are in close collaboration with major Belarusian and Russian industrial companies. The results of the research work are published in 8 patents and more than 180 scientific papers and conference presentations.


Theoretical basis (Foundations) of chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Chemistry of Complex Substances.

List of publications: 

  • Method of utilization of sulfuric acid production spent vanadium catalysts: pat. 17007 Republic of Belarus : B01J 23/92, С01G 31/00 (2011) / S.E. Orekhova, E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo; published: 30.04.2013. 
  • E.V. Kryshilovich, S.E. Orekhova, I.I. Kurilo, I.M. Zharski Vanadium extraction from leaching solutions be thermohydrolityc method / Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Chem. Series. – 2013. – Iss. 1. – P. 30–35.
  • E.V. Kryshilovich, S.E. Orekhova, I.I. Kurilo, I.M. Zharski Anodic oxidation of vanadium (IV) compounds in sulfuric acid solutions / Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Chem. Series. – 2012. – Iss. 2. – P. 19–24. 
  • E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo, S.E. Orekhova, I.M. Zharski Cathodic reducrion of vanadium(IV) compounds in sulfuric acid solutions / Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Chem. Series. – 2012. – Iss. 4. – P. 10–16.
  • Курило И.И., Черник А.А., Жарский И.М., Михедова Е.В. Выделение соединений ванадия из растворов выщелачивания термогидролитическим методом Гальванотехника и обработка поверхности. – 2013. – Том 21. – № 4. – С. 33–38.
  • Д.С. Харитонов, Н.Е. Акулич, Е.В. Крышилович, О.В. Опимах, И.И. курило, И.М. Жарский СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА ОРТОВАНАДАТА ВИСМУТА / Вестник технологического университета. – 2016. – Т.19 –№13. С. 36–41.