Alifiravets Ryhor Engineer Department Woodworking machines and tools Contact details
Research interests: Development of rational modes of operation milling machines equipped with Brussa managewise end-conical cutters. Improvement of wear re sistance of woodworking tools |
Teaching: Repair and maintenance of woodworking machinery |
List of publications: 1. A study of bluntness double-edged cutting tool milling machines Brualdi and its impact to the tangent cutting force / Grinevich, S. Rapowez V., Alifiravets G. // Proceedings of BSTU, No. 2 Forest and woodworking industry Minsk 2015 – P. 258-262 2.Loss effect sposobnosti cutting knives milling Brussa machines to the tangent cutting force / Grinevich, S., Rapowez V.,Alifiravets G. / woodworking: technologies, equipment,management of XXI century: proceedings of the X Intern. Eurasian SymposiuEkaterinburg, 2015. – P. 147 3. The nature of the wear of the knives milling Brussa machine /Grinevich, S., Alifiravets G. woodworking: technologies, equipments, management of the XXI century: proceedings of the IX Intern. Eurasian Symposium, Ekaterinburg, 2014. – P. 253
Alifiravets Ryhor