Belarusian State
Technological University
Alexeev Anatoliy


Alexeev Anatol

Associate Professor of Chemistry


Department of Organic Chemistry

Contact details

 +375 29 569 58 21, 8 (017) 327 83 54

 Sverdlova St. 13a, 411-3

Research interests:

Structure and Reactivity of Lignin, Delignification of Wood, Bleaching of Cellulose and Flax, Obtain of Non-Phosfores Detergents.


"Organic Chemistry", "Pharmaceutical Chemistry", "Organic Chemistry with the Basics Wood Biochemistry".

List of publications​: 

  1. Alekseev AD Molecular weight and polydispersity lignin preparations. Proc. O.P.Grushnikov, VV Elkin. Achievements and challenges of lignin chemistry. Ed., "Science". M.1973, s.64--80.
  2. A.Alekseev, K.Forss, V.Johanson, B.Stenlund.  On the polymerisation of spruce lignosulfonatesin acid bisulphite  pulping. Paperi ja Puu – Papper  osh Tro. 60, 1978, №4а, p. 195-198.
  3. Alekseev AD et al. The mechanism of the oxidation timber and its components hydrogen peroxide. - Wood Chemistry 1979, №6, s.47-51; 1980, №2, s.38-42, s.43-47; №5, s.47-52; 1981, №2, s.51-56, 57-62; 1981, №6, p. 30-34.
  4. A.Alexeev, V.Andreev, N.Matos. Quimica Organica: Programa, Problemas, Exercicios,Trabalhos Laboratoriais. Maputo, UEM–1987, p. 62.
  5. AD Alexeev, M.F.Mihaseva, V.M.Reznikov. Degradation of cellulose in the conditions of oxidative digestion. Chemistry drevesiny.- 1988, №2, s.40-43;
  6. LS Eshchenko, AD Alekseev, AI Sumich, GM Zhuk. Development of the composition of salt composition malofosfatnyh detergents. Proceedings BSTU. №3 (176). Chemistry and technology of inorganic salts. a-c. No. 3. s.64-69 (2015);  №3, p.38-43 (2016).
  7.  L.S.Eschenko, A.I.Sumich, AD Alexeev, V.L.Pavlovich, K.I.Gannochenko. Composition for cleaning solid surfaces. Pat. №19487, zayavl.05.07.2012, opubl.24.06.2015;
  8. Alekseev AD, Antonevich IP, Mihalenok SG Organic chemistry. Manual for laboratory work. Minsk, BGTU. 2010, 100c.
  9. Alekseev AD Organic chemistry. Texts of lectures (electronic resource). Minsk, Belarusian State Technological University. 2014 120s .; 2015, 100.