Белорусский государственный
технологический университет
Belarusian State Technological University
Half Marathon 2018: how it was

This year, Minsk has celebrated its birthday on a grand scale: the half marathon that took place on Sunday, September 9, has broken many records of previous years. The number of BSTU students who signed up and participated in the event was close to 2,000, which was also our achievement.

Students, university graduates, teachers who not only ran the half-marathon themselves, but also invited their families — all came to support the university and take part in the race as part of the BSTU team. It should be noted that this year the distance of 5.5 kilometers decided to conquer 25 thousand people. 

In the shortest race, everyone was able to pick up a comfortable pace for himself; for this, the organizers divided all participants by sector. Before the start of the competition, the host invited everyone to do a little warm-up. The chairman of the Belarusian Athletics Federation, Vadim Devyatovsky, noted earlier that it was psychologically difficult to go to the second round, so this year the organizers did not manage to do this.

At the start line, it is the finish line, earned a timer, and participants were showered with projectiles of confetti. Even the first thousand went on the road for half a marathon for long minutes.

All along the way, the fans and volunteers of the event encouraged the runners. Words of support were heard everywhere: "you can!" Inspired posters calling for, if not to run, then to go, if not to go, then to crawl, but to get to the end.

The route ran along the picturesque canals of Svisloch. Someone participated in families, someone chose a personal reason, dedicating his race to him. The Wings of Angels team carried running carriages in front of them, helping disabled children to join a sporting event despite their limitations.

At the end of the race, everyone received a bronze medal and a welcome bottle of water for many. No one left offended: regardless of the result, anyone who overcame the finish line & ndash; winner. Therefore, we congratulate the students, staff, teachers of BSTU with their victory! Let there be many more in the beginning of the school year, both in sports and in studies.

More photos from the Half Marathon 2018 in the gallery 

Опубликовано: 01.10.2018
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