Belarusian State
Technological University
Makarova (Antsikhovich) Irina


Irina Makarova (Antsikhovich)



Department of Chemistry, Technology of Electrochemical Production and Electronic Engineering Materials

Contact details

 +375 17 226 02 82

 Sverdlova St. 13a, 402-3a

Research interests:

Electrodeposition of metals

Development of nickel plating electrolytes


  • Theoretical Electrochemistry
  • Theoretical Foundations of Chemistry
  • General, inorganic and physical chemistry
  • PCB Production Technology
  • Galvanotechnics
  • Fundamentals of Scientific Research and Innovation Activities
  • Instruments and methods of investigation of electrochemical systems

List of publications: 

  •  Antikhovich, I.V. Electrodeposition of a Nickel Coating from a Low-Temperature Acetate-Chloride Nickel-
    Plating Electrolyte / I.V. Antikhovich, A.A. Chernik, I.M. Zharsky // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. – 
    2015, Vol. 51, № 3. – P. 281–285. 
  •  Bogomazova, N.V. Specific features of electrodeposition of Ni-SiO2 micromounting composite coatings 
    from complex electrolytes / N.V. Bogomazova, I.V. Antsikhovich, A.A. Chernik, I.M. Zharsky / Russian 
    Journal of Applied Chemistry – 2014, Vol. 87, № 9. – P. 1239−1243 
  •  Antsikhovich, I.V. Corrosion resistance of nickel coatings deposited from low-temperature nickel-plating 
    electrolytes / I.V. Antsikhovich, D.S. Kharitonov, A.A. Chernik, I.B. Dobryden // Russian Journal of Applied 
    Chemistry. – 2017, Vol. 90, № 4. – P. 566–573.
  • Antihovich, I.V. Electrodeposition of Nickel and Composite Nickel-Fullerenol Coatings from Low-
    Temperature Sulphate-Chloride-Isobutyrate Electrolyte / I.V. Antihovich, N.M. Ablazhey, A.A. Chernik, I.M. 
    Zharsky // Procedia Chemistry. ‒ 10.‒ 2014. ‒ P. 373–377. 
  •  Antsikhovich, I.V. Using of pulse modes in non-chromium electrolytes for electropolishing / I.V. 
    Antsikhovich, A.A. Chernik // 2nd ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry «Promising 
    Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry». Kiev, 2017.–P. 74-80.
  • Antsikhovich, I. V. Effect of a pulsed electrolysis regime on the properties of nickel coatings obtained 
    from a low-concentration acetate-chloride electrolyte / I.V. Anstikhovich, A.A. Chernik, I.M. Zharsky // 
    Izvestiya St Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University). ‒ 2013. ‒ № 20. ‒ Vol. 46. ‒ P. 

  • Antsikhovich, I. V. Electrochemical deposition of nickel from an acetate-chloride electrolyte in the 
    presence of ammonium acetate / I.V. Antsikhovich, A.A. Chernik, I.M. Zharsky // Proceedings of the 
    Belarusian State University. Series 2, Chemistry. Biology. Geography. ‒ 2014. ‒ №1. – P. 15‒20. 
    3. Antsikhovich, I. V. Electrodeposition of nickel coatings from acetate electrolytes / I.V. Antsikhovich, A.A. 
    Chernik, I.M. Zharsky // Proceedings of BSTU. Series III. Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances. 
    Minsk. ‒ 2011. ‒ Iss. XIX. – P. 20‒24. 

  • Antsikhovich, I. V. Electrochemical deposition of nickel from lactic acid electrolyte / I.V. Antsikhovich, 
    A.A. Chernik, I.M. Zharsky // Actual problems of electrochemical technology, April 25-28, 2011, Saratov. 
    Vol. 1: Sat. articles of young scientists - Saratov: Publishing house of SSTU. ‒ 2011. – P. 77‒81. 

  • Antsikhovich, I. V. Electrodeposition of nickel from lactic acid electrolyte / I.V. Antsikhovich, A.A. Chernik, 
    I.M. Zharsky // Nanotechnologies. Science and production. - 2011. - No. 3. - P. 66-69. 

  • Antsikhovich, I. V. Electrochemical deposition of nickel coatings from an acetate-chloride electrolyte in a 
    pulsed mode / I.V. Antsikhovich, S.M. Krupnik, A.A. Chernik, I.M. Zharsky // Proceedings of BSTU. Series III. Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances. Minsk. - 2012. - Issue. XX. - P. 8-12. 

  • Antsikhovich, N.M. Ablazhey, A.A. Chernik, I.M. Zharsky // Nanotechnologies. Science and production. - 
    2014. - No. 3. - P. 36-38.