Belarusian State
Technological University
Kishkurno Tatyana

Kishkurno Tat’yana Vadimovna

Senior lecturer


Informatics and Web-Design

Contact details

 +375 29 6 311 677, 8(017) 327 43 76

 Sverdlova St. 13a, 304-1

Research interests:

Methodology and technology of design and use of multimedia tutor-controlling software tools for e-learning system.


  • informatics and Computer Graphics;
  • design and Usability of User Interfaces. 

List of publications: 

  • Kishkurno, T. V. Computer Information Technologies: on-line course for students of 1-26 02 02 «Management (by speaializations)»/ T. V. Kishkurno. – Minsk : BSTU, 2014. – 160 p.
  • Kishkurno T. V., Brusentsova T. P. Design and Usability of User Interfaces: study guide on course projecting by same-named discipline for students of 1-40 05 01-03 «Information Systems and Technologies» (printing and publishing complex) speciality / T. V. Kishkurno, T. P. Brusentsova. – Minsk : BSTU, 2016. – 80 p.
  • Dyatko A. A., Kishkurno T. V. Engineering Calculations in Mathcad 14: study guide for the students speciality of 1-53 01 01 «Automatizationof technologic processes and productions» / A. A. Dyatko, T. V. Kishkurno. – Minsk: BSTU, 2010. – 83 p.
  • Pustovalova N. N., Kishkurno T. V. Informatics and Computer Graphics: study guide for students of chemical-engineering specialities for distant education / N. N. Pustovalova, T. V. Kishkurno. – Minsk: BSTU, 2010. – 106 p.
  • Lashchenko, A. P., Kishkurno, T. V. Database Design and DBMS ACCESS 2007: laboratory practicum for students of economics / A. P. Lashchenko, T. V. Kishkurno. – Minsk: BSTU, 2011. – 20 p.
  • Lashchenko A. P., Kishkurno, T. V. Using MathCad in the Educational Process for Economics / Proceedings BSTU. – 2014. № 10: Educational and Methodical Work. – P. 78-81.
  • Kishkurno T. V., Brusentsova T. P. Specifics of Training IT specialists in the Field of User Interfaces Development / XIXIII Russian Conference "Teaching of Information Technology in Russian Federation" on May 14-15, 2015, Perm, PSNRU, P. 156-157.